Valborg Marie Sophie Arnesdatter Larsen
23 Mar 1855 – 18 Feb 1935
Daugher of Arne Larsen Alnes
& Amalie Tonsberg Pavels
Wife of Charles Conrad Jenssen
Mother of Daniel Bolstad Conrad (Jenssen)
In her early youth, Valborg was a student at the nursing hospital in Drobak. Valborg said that she wanted to be a student at the nursing hospital, when she first saw the inscription above the door. There it said: “Come fight, self-denial and hardship”. She very much enjoyed when she was there, but her health failed so she had to interrupt her training. Later, Valborg became governess for children to a prominent person near the nursing hospital, physician and historian, Franz Casper Kiær.
Like her husband, Charles, Valborg was artistic and loved painting and photography. It is said that they were the first people in Drobak to own a camera and she took photos of her children from the time they were small. Valborg enjoyed painting portraits, preferably of people she knew. She also ran a private school for some years and was considered to be an accomplished educator.
The family home was named Furuly. Valborg’s grandaugher, Solveig, wrote this about Furuly:
Furuly was a lovely locale. It lied dense up to pine trees and bordered the farm Tverkegla, that neck of land of the family Brown for many generations. The gardens at Furuly were divided in two. The top part was planted with berry bushes and in the lowest part of the gardens was fruit trees. So widely I can remember the varieties of apples and plums. In the gardens was also a big pond. Idyllic it was, but I was most interested to lie flat on the ground near the pond and capture tadpoles, in my hand. That part of the gardens was an enclosed yard with the gate locked. We children did not go in there without one of the adults. Partly for the pond sake, but grandfather carefully tended his fruit there also.
My mother remembers her middle name as Marie, not Sophie, but the baptism record indicates it is Sophie.
Jennsen Family Photo Album
Paintings by the Jenssen Family
View Valborg Marie Sophie Arnesdatter Larsen Alnes on the Family Tree
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1. Ruth JENSSEN, b. 10 Mar 1883, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway | |
2. Esther Marie JENSSEN, b. 20 Jul 1884, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway, d. 12 Nov 1963 | |
3. Daniel Bolstad CONRAD JENSSEN, b. 21 May 1888, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway, d. 30 Apr 1946 | |
4. Rachel Amalie JENSSEN, b. 4 May 1893, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway , d. 1911 | |
5. Phillip Wesley JENSSEN, b. 14 Jan 1892, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway | |
6. Charles Rudolf JENSSEN, b. 4 Oct 1897, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway | |
7. Joseph Pavels CONRAD JENSSEN, b. 14 Mar 1890, Drøbak, Akershus, Norway |
Note: Many of the memories of Valborg come from a booklet called “Memories From Childhood and A little of the Family of Solveig Riktor” written by her granddaughter.